Alpha Flight

1 01 2006
:)  Alpha Flight

Since not much Alpha Flight members coming out of the production line, I decided to customize them. Except Sasquatch, the only Toybiz released Alpha Flight related figure.

Group Shots

Alpha Flight Members

Click on the pictures to view.

Aurora (Alpha Flight)

Aurora (Alpha Flight)

Aurora v2 (Alpha Flight)

Aurora v2 (Alpha Flight)

Guardian (Alpha Flight)

Guardian (Alpha Flight)

Northstar (Alpha Flight)

Northstar (Alpha Flight)








Puck (Alpha Flight)

Puck (Alpha Flight)

Shaman (Alpha Flight)

Shaman (Alpha Flight)

Snowbird (Alpha Flight)

Snowbird (Alpha Flight)

Vindicator (Alpha Flight)

Vindicator (Alpha Flight)








) Thank you for looking!