Puck (Alpha Flight)

1 09 2007
:)  Puck (Alpha Flight) September 2007

Alpha Flight Puck – This one is quite a challenge, but I enjoyed doing this. I have to make it to a dwarf scale.

Base Figure: ML Weapon X
Head: ML Gambit
Forearms: FF Movie Mr. Fantastic
Hands: FF Boxset Mr. Fantastic
Lower Legs: SMC Doc Octopus
Logo: Sculpted

Some pictures of WIP (Work in Progress)

) Thank you for looking!

Six-Arms Spidey

1 09 2007
:) Six-Arms Spidey - September 2007

Six-Arms Spidey – I once bought, during my early years of collecting, a Six-Arms Spidey custom from a fellow collector. Since I’m into toy customizing now, I wanted to give it a shot. I wanted to tighten the other four arms since they fall off often. I could have used the old custom but the holes are already too wide. So I used a similar recipe instead. But, recycled some of the four extra arms. Also used small bolts for the arms peg inside the body so the arms would stay in place and won’t fall off anymore. Quite an easy project. The challenge was to bore an exact holes and fitting the bolts.

Base Figure: SMC Spiderman
Extra Arms: SMC Peter Parker and from the old custom

No pictures of WIP (Work in Progress)

🙂 Thank you for looking!

Aragorn (Avengers)

1 09 2007
:)  Aragorn (Avengers) September 2007

Avengers Aragorn – Before the time I was customizing, I bought a custom Black Knight from a fellow Toy Collector. But what will he be without his steed. So I decided to make Aragorn to go with Black Knight.

Base Figure: LOTR Shadowfax
Wings: XMC Angel
Harness: Rubberbands, scrap materials
Saddle: Old coin purse leather, joint peg (handle) and LOTR Legolas arrow holder

Some pictures of WIP (Work in Progress)

) Thank you for looking!