Amazing Bag-Man (Spider-Man)

1 03 2007
:) Amazing Bag-Man (Spider-Man) - March 2007

Amazing Bag-Man (Spider-Man) – A very easy and fun custom.  Got an extra ML Mr. Fantastic figure and its perfect for Spidey when he donned Johnny Storm’s (Human Torch) costume after forceably removing his symbiote black costume.  A one time comic appearance but a nice addition to my Spider-Man Gallery.

Base Figure: ML Mr. Fantastic
Head: SMC Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Bag: A piece of folder

You want him to reveal his secret identity?

Are you sure?


Hi Fans!

No pictures of WIP (Work in Progress)

🙂 Thank you for looking!

Havok (X-Factor)

1 03 2007
:)  Havok (X-Factor) March 2007

X-Factor Havok – I found a good use for all my ML Movie Punisher lying around. I have lots of Movie Punisher because of my previous Multiple Man custom project.

Learning a new technique, I applied it in this custom project. Using wires (twisties) as hair bangs strands. Now, I can pose bangs in certain ways.

Had an idea to have the jacket removable and with lock. It worked for a while but the lock didn’t hold much so I glued it permanently instead. Besides, its bothersome to remove the jacket anyway because it scratches the paints.

Base Figure: ML Movie Punisher
Headgear & Hair: Sculpted & wire twisties
Gloves: Sculpted
Jacket: ML Movie Punisher’s Trenchcoat

Comparison of Open and Close Jacket

Some shots without the Jacket and the Jacket itself

Some pictures of WIP (Work in Progress)

) Thank you for looking!

Revanche (X-Men)

1 03 2007
:)  Revanche (X-Men) March 2007

X-Men Revanche – With the success of her first custom project, Dazzler, she started immediately on her second project, Revanche. She have no idea who she was but she was up for it. This time it was a team effort. I did some of the details and she painted it.

Base Figure: ML Elektra
Hair: Sculpted with thin wires for the bangs
Belt, pouches and Straps: ML Bullseye’
Boots: Sculpted

Some pictures of WIP (Work in Progress)

) Thank you for looking!