Fabian Cortez

1 01 2007
:)  Fabian Cortez - January 2007

Marvel Villain Fabian Cortez – This was a challenge to me by a fellow customizer. He have to custom Exodus and in return, I have to do Fabian Cortez. It was a lot of fun doing this project.

Base Figure: ML Boxset Magneto
Cape: Modified ML Storm’s cape
Head Gear: Sculpted
Ponytail:A piece of ML X-23’s hair
Shoulder Pad: Rubber Band

Some pictures of WIP (Work in Progress)

) Thank you for looking!

Dazzler (X-Men)

1 01 2007
:)  Dazzler (X-Men) January 2007

X-Men Dazzler – The very first custom project of my wife. She has been seeing me customizing for so long, she finally gave it a try. Honestly, she did better than me when I first started customizing.

Base Figure: ML Elektra
Hair: Sculpted
Headband: Scrap Material

Some pictures of WIP (Work in Progress)

) Thank you for looking!